A Day in My Life As a Beekeeper
February 27, 2018
My grandfather used to take me to get honey from the bee nursery when I was young. He won't eat sugar, so he'd only have honey as his sweetener. I guess you could say that started off my life with bees. Bees are exceptionally generous creatures and by that I mean, that the ripples of their actions extend beyond their day to day lives. Considering that almost 1 in 3 of the world's food production is largely a result of bee pollination. That's 1 in 3 OR you can say that in 2010 alone, bees were responsible for over $19 BILLION dollars revenue in the agriculture business alone. Generous.
What so many people do not realise, however, is that bees are in a decline. And I have taken it upon myself to be part of the larger change that this world needs in order to save the bees (yay!) As a beekeeper, I live by this testament everyday. I love my bees and am truly grateful for the gifts they give to the world. As a beekeeper, I am blessed with many opportunities to educate the people around me about the wonders of beekeeping! Beekeeping is no easy feat, I tell you (man, those bees know their stuff, let me tell yah).

When it's time for us to harvest the beeswax, oh you'd better be prepared to bring in the pain! Bees work really hard to make beeswax, much harder than making honey (I mean, c'mon....bee vomit anyone? haha). Seriously, it takes about a YEAR to make roughly a kilo of honey if ALL of the beeswax is harvested at one time. So for every 12 kilos of honey, bees make roughly a kilo of beeswax. You cannot be too eager though, because removal of the beeswax from the hive all at once will destroy it.
Next time, I'll tell share the basics on how we make our cutting board wax from beeswax and what ingredients we've decided to include to make it one of the best in the industry!
Tune in!